First of all, it was good to see how understanding the editors were about my late start due to my illness. I'm not the kind of person that likes to give excuses and I tried to make that as clear as possible to my superiors.
Thursday was my first official day on the job. I'd already run through the route on how to get to Hearst Tower a thousand times so things were running smoothly, but just to be sure I left extra time.
After obtaining my access card, passing the security desk and being directed to 1 of 16 elevators I had finally arrived at the beautiful Marie Claire offices!
There were about 7 or 8 other interns total, and to my surprise every single person was extremely nice and more than willing to help with anything. In fact, many went out of their way in the beginning to show me around and get things started before the editors even arrived. Fashion is not always as catty as it's made out to be, the thing to understand is that although you want to get ahead yourself its good to be working with other knowledgeable people. Its all one big system, so if someone else makes a mistake that just makes the work for the next few people that much harder. It's always better to take the extra few seconds and get things precisely right the first time around.
Tasks I worked on included processing returns for items that had already been shot; filing paper work for them, packing them for shipment and entering information into the computer database. I was also in charge of processing newly received items; filling out paperwork for those clothing and accessories, hanging/folding the items on the appropriate shelf or rack, taking and processing photos of newly received items, signing off on several forms and letting editors know when things arrive. Sometimes interns will have to travel to "Studio D" which is where the routine photoshoots occur, and you'll pick up or drop off items for future issues. Right now the office is working on April. In addition, before a shoot we have to pack up all the necessary items, photograph and record everything with its label and pack them into the trunks for travel. Also, there are times when you will be asked to prepare something for a shoot- like the other day I had to gather every single pair of fishnet tights in the closet for an upcoming shoot. Interns may also be asked to go on "runs" to pick up urgent items (although a lot is also done through company messenger systems). You could be asked to go anywhere in Manhattan from Hermes, to Baume et Mercier or the Leather Spa. It's helpful to have a good sense of direction, or in my case if that's lacking, a blackberry to direct you through websites like and virtual maps. You also do routine intern tasks like getting coffee, making copies, faxing items, answering phones, etc.
So far, the hours are long- Monday through Friday 9AM-9PM usually, and its unpaid. But hey! Nothing beats an experience like this, working at a major fashion company, getting to meet all these new wonderful people and living in one of the greatest cities ever- New York!

Sounds amazing Em!! I can't wait to visit you :)